Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week 11 Point of View

One-point Perspective

I lined myself up to the objects on the tabe so that the center of the drawing was my angle of vision. I then located the horizon line and traced lines to the vanishing point for each object.  I used pencil for the medium.

Two-point Perspective

For the two point perspective I moved the objects so that they were angled and are oblique to the picture plane.  This meant there were two vanishing points, one left and one right.  I used pencil and charcoal.

Three-point Perspective

For the three-point perspective I kept the same ange as the two-point but tried to add some height.  There is now a third vanishing point that extends from the tissue box. Pencil and Charcoal.

Bird's Eye View

The bird's eye view was drawn looking down at the objects on the floor.  Pencil.

Ant's Eye View

For the Ant's Eye view, I placed the objects on the table and I sat on the floor looking up at the to draw.

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