Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 2 Assignment

Portrait of Redhead Girl by Samuel Silva

I’m really drawn (no pun intended) to hyper-realistic drawings. I love the paintings and drawings that are so realistic looking that it is hard to distinguish if the art is a photograph or a drawing or painting. I chose this specific drawing because the artist completed it in 30 hours using ball point pens! It is truly amazing. Plus Samuel Silva was only 29 years old when he drew this. He is an attorney in Portugal who draws as a hobby. If you click on the link provided, you will see more up close pictures of the drawing.
Although I enjoy all types of subjective and objective drawing, realism is my favorite and abstract is probably my least favorite. I enjoy all types of realism especially naturalism and photo-realism. Those are the types I tend to draw as well. Hopefully after this class I will be much better at it!

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